As pandemic assistance funds vanish, consumers are turning to savings and credit to pay for essentials. With many consumers having exhausted their cash reserves, credit becomes an option. Consumers have been tapping into ...
As the pandemic created supply constraints over the past two years, companies learned to stock up on materials and finished products in hopes of alleviating any future supply chain snags. Now that constraints ...
Various factors are contributing to sustained high gas prices, which are expected to add to price pressures heading into the summer months. Traditionally, gasoline prices move higher as vacation travelers hit the road ...
As Inflationary pressures tend to drive the price of essential goods higher and faster than non essential goods, consumers are sometimes left with minimal funds to purchase what they desire. The rapidly rising ...
The U.S. dollar has risen over 7% since the beginning of the year driven by increasing interest rates and a flight to safety for international investors. A stronger dollar can also be a ...
Food and energy have become the two fastest rising expenses for consumers nationwide, as well as representing a larger proportion of total living costs. Currently, 21.5% of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is ...
Supply constraints and labor shortages were the two primary factors for prices on numerous products and services rising as much as they did in 2021. Even as some supply and labor issues have ...
Consumers are saving the lowest amount in four years as stimulus assistance funds and generous unemployment benefits have gradually evaporated, encouraging consumers to tap their savings at an accelerating pace. The drop in ...
Optimism following excessive monetary and fiscal stimulus efforts drove consumer sentiment to highs during the pandemic. Numerous stimulus programs provided businesses and individuals abundant funds in order to help maintain and fortify financial ...
As Covid infections swept the nation in 2020 and 2021, states differed on restrictions and guidance surrounding the pandemic, encouraging many to migrate to another state. Health, jobs, housing and quality of life ...