Work habits and patterns have not only changed in the United States but have also been altered in Europe, where work at home has become vastly commonplace. For many, the home office has ...
Even though traditional government data has current inflation at 1.2%, consumers have a different perspective with higher inflation expectations. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York tracks and maintains consumer inflation expectations every ...
Spending at stores essentially stalled in late March and April, as restrictions imposed to confront the spread of COVID-19 took its toll on the retail sector. The inability of consumers to spend freely ...
The Coronavirus Relief Bill extends and modifies several provisions first enacted by the CAREs Act in March 2020. The package extends relief through mid-March of 2021, providing support to individuals and small businesses ...
As stay at home mandates came into effect throughout the country, companies scrambled to migrate their management teams and essential employees to home offices. Data tracked by the Labor Department revealed that higher ...
(all values as of 12.31.2020) Stock Indexes: Dow Jones 30,606 S&P 500 3,756 Nasdaq 12,888 Bond Sector Yields: 2 Yr Treasury 0.13% 10 Yr Treasury 0.93% 10 Yr Municipal 0.69% High Yield 4.34% ...
COVID-19 reshaped markets, trade, retail, and consumer behavior globally in 2020 with lingering effects heading into 2021. Markets shrugged off pandemic concerns throughout the year, with all major equity indices reaching new highs ...
As restrictions surrounding restaurants and dining out set in due to the pandemic, consumers instead headed to grocery stores. Sales at grocery stores surpassed levels never reached over the past ten years. Stores ...
Equity markets rebounded in a historical fashion from the lows in March 2020 to the end of the year, driven by vaccine optimism, low rates, and continued stimulus funding. Margin loan balances increased ...
Rates remained near historic lows throughout 2020 as ambitious efforts by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury ensured critical liquidity in the fixed income markets. Key rates fell across the board in 2020, ...